Scribe Winery

I honestly can’t remember who recommended Scribe to us. It’s been pinned to my Wine Country board for months (possibly years). Every time we’d go up to the City of Sonoma for a Hanzell Wine Club Release Party, I’d try to get a reservation and be told they didn’t have anything available. I finally asked Ayn for the release party schedule months in advance. The same day I got the date, I called and made a reservation.

You’ll note on their website that there is absolutely no information about how much tastings are or what’s included, so we were pretty much going in blind. Tastings were about $60 each for samples of four wines—rosé, chardonnay, pinot noir, and cabernet—as well as “light mezes.” What they call light mezes, I call lunch. Halibut, herbed rice, olives! So much food! Unfortunately, we’d already eaten lunch. I felt so wasteful leaving all that food on the table.

We were also surprised by the dishes they chose to serve. Asparagus? #Bold. We ended up asking our server about the pairing choice, and she laughingly informed us that “the kitchen doesn’t pay attention to what we’re pouring.” Pretty sure Husband swallowed his own tongue.

We didn’t purchase any wine. Not because it wasn’t good—in fact, each bottle was well above “entirely quaffable”—but each time another hipster posed ad infinitum on the front steps of the hacienda in search of the perfect pic, the juice turned to vinegar in our mouths. And it wasn’t just the Millenials. There were also a fair number of Gen-Xers. But while mom gabbed with her friends over chardonnay, the children ran amok with the off-leash dog. “I didn’t say you could post it to Instagram,” Mom consoles the 9 y/o, “I just said you had to wait 5 minutes.”

Needless to say, we won’t be returning nor will we be recommending this place to friends. We’ll just have to be content with ordering a bottle with dinner at Cala.
