Laura Michael Wines

Our third and final stop on our girl’s day trip to Napa was to Laura Michael Wines. We’d been to a big production winery and walked through caves. Now it was time to see what a small family-run vineyard was like.

And I do mean “family-run.” Laura is the one behind the bar loading up your club shipment while Michael pours you a taste of the latest release. We pet the dogs and chat about installing the new bathroom. These were the people I first thought of when I heard about the fires. Ask nicely and Michael will regale you with a harrowing tale of being asked to evacuate by an official while he was up on a ladder stirring the lees. The fire just over the next hill.

Laura and Michael aren’t making wines for the masses. They’re drinking wines they would want to drink, and we’re so happy our palates usually align with there’s. I’m an Oat Hill Zin enthusiast whereas Joey leans more Dry Creek Old Vines but we’re always blown away by the Bentley (their Rutherford Cab.) We’re excited to see where this journey takes them!
