We're back!


With a majority of people vaccinated against the novel coronavirus— including ourselves—we finally felt it was safe and responsible to resume in-person wine tastings. But just because we weren’t going to wineries, didn’t mean we didn’t continue to try new wines.

Husband and I found two types of wine tastings that we really enjoyed:

Heirloom Café: This local SF restaurant couldn’t have diner so they let customers pillage their wine cellar. Okay, not exactly “pillage,” but they offered two bottles each week and then did a virtual wine tasting, sometimes with the wine maker!

Ungrafted: This was probably our favorite virtual wine tasting offering because it also included wine education! Chris offered multiple classes featuring wines from different regions like Rhone, Pac Northwest, and Italy. We learned about the terroir or each region while tasting the delicious wines. He even offered cheese and charcuterie to snack alongside. Tasting kits and class recordings are still available if you’re interested in learning more about the different wine regions of the world!

Rachel Baker