Iron Horse Vineyards

If you’ve been following this blog then you are well aware that my mother is a bubble head. We first went to Iron Horse Vineyards almost a decade ago but it’s out in the middle of nowhere Sonoma, so we haven’t been back despite loving their wines.

After all this time their tasting “room” is unchanged. It’s still just an outdoor bar with bottles in metal party buckets. The view is fantastic and with COVID I prefer the outdoors anyway, but I can see it being unpleasant in the winter or for anyone who can’t stand for long periods of time. $30 gets you four pours. If you’re not into sparkling, they also offer a still flight.

The classic Wedding Cuvée (my favorite) is still on the menu but they’ve also expanded their offerings: the Rainbow Cuvée, which was first made in 2015 to celebrate the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision is still produced for Pride Month. There’s also a special Lunar New Year bottle, a Spring Rosé, and an Ocean Reserve that benefits Mission Blue. Mom’s favorite wine is the Fairytale Cuvée made exclusively for Disney.

Although it is close to absolutely nothing, I would recommend making the trek to Iron Horse to anyone who enjoys bubbles. It’s probably my favorite champagnerie in Sonoma County.